• Name
    Llanos Auto Sales, LLC
  • Location
  • Term Plan
    60 Months
  • Total Savings
    $ 24,115.00
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Llanos Auto Sales LLC

Llanos Auto Sales, LLC – Dallas, TX

Llanos Auto Sales, LLC, a car dealership with four showrooms based in Dallas, TX, faced high energy costs due to a variable rate of 14.10 cents per kWh from their previous supplier. The owner, Oscar Llanos, sought a more stable and cost-effective energy solution for his business.


  • High Variable Energy Rate: Llanos Auto Sales was burdened with a variable energy rate of 14.10 cents per kWh, leading to high and unpredictable energy costs.
  • Multiple Showrooms: Oscar initially intended to secure fixed rates for all four showrooms. However, after careful consideration and strategic planning, he decided to release his smallest and fourth showroom, focusing on the three main locations.
  • Time Constraints: As a busy car dealership owner, Oscar had a hectic schedule, making it challenging to dedicate time to energy procurement.


To address these challenges, Jesse from Tried Energy worked closely with Oscar Llanos over the course of a month, providing a personalized and flexible approach to finding the best energy solution.

Key Steps Taken:

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Jesse analyzed all four bill copies and thoroughly reviewed Oscar’s goals and plans. This comprehensive approach allowed for a well-informed strategy tailored to the needs of Llanos Auto Sales.
  • Tailored Consultation: Initially, Jesse provided options for all four showrooms. However, after Oscar decided not to retain the fourth showroom, the strategy was adjusted to focus on securing the best rates for the three main locations.
  • Flexible Communication: Understanding Oscar’s busy schedule, Jesse made himself available for calls and texts at Oscar’s convenience, ensuring timely communication and updates.
  • Market Research: After several weeks of thorough research and comparison of available rates, Jesse identified the most competitive rates in the market, which were aggressive enough to meet Oscar’s expectations.


After careful consideration, Oscar Llanos chose to lock in a fixed rate of 7.996 cents per kWh for a 5-year term across his three main showrooms. This decision resulted in significant savings, exceeding 40% of the previous variable rate.

  • Total Savings: Llanos Auto Sales will save over $24,115 across the 5-year term.
  • Rate Stability: The fixed rate ensures predictable energy costs, providing financial stability for the business.


By delivering a tailored and customer-centric approach to energy procurement, Jesse from Tried Energy helped Llanos Auto Sales achieve substantial savings and long-term energy cost stability. This case underscores the importance of personalized service, flexibility in communication, and thorough market research in securing the best energy solutions for businesses.

Contact Us

If you’re interested in learning how you can save on energy costs like Llanos Auto Sales, LLC, feel free to contact us. We are here to assist you every step of the way.


Be Savvy, Be Smart, and Lower Your Business Costs Today - For Free!

Please attach a recent copy of a company electric or gas bill. We will review and get back to you within 24 hours or less to complete your cost-savings proposal!

Ready to Lower Your Business Energy Costs?
Lock in a low fixed rate and save up to 70%!

Here’s How:

  1. Locate a recent company electric or gas bill.
  2. Click “Get Started” below or on our homepage.
  3. Fill out the form & upload your bill.

We’ll handle the rest!